As a sole trader, her first small business was an importing business providing internal lighting for the rail transport industry in newly built and renovated passenger trains. Between 2004 and 2013 she established and managed a small HR and Leadership consultancy, securing long term contracts with such organisation’s as Woodside, Mid-West Ports, Shark Bay Salt, CCIWA, and TSA. Currently, she is the Director of a manufacturing and sourcing organisation, having the head office located in Perth, a manufacturing facility in Malaysia, as well as an extensive supplier network throughout Asia and Europe. Specialised Sourcing commenced operations in July 2013.
Jacqui is committed to implementing best practice methodologies in business, believing that experience combined with formal learning will achieve the best outcomes. She has a Bach Sc., Grad Dip Ed., Grad Dip Bus and is currently undertaking a Post-Graduate Diploma in Accounting.
Jacqui was accepted on the board of Melville Cockburn Chamber of Commerce in November 2017 and is keen to support an organisation that contributes as an enabler for SME’s to long term success.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Back to Committee Members” link=”|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row]